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2024-04-11 The School Commencement - Ph.D. student application

To College of Management Ph.D. students,

The school commencement is scheduled at 10am (assemble at 9 am) on June 1st in NTUT Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall.

All attendees must fill out the attached form (excel) and send it back to Sean(bedhair@ntut.edu.tw) by 5pm April 26th.
please be noted
**for gown hiring, please contact the person on the picture attached 
** the rehearsal is scheduled at 6:20pm on May 31st the same hall
**all attendees must join the rehearsal or will get rejected from the commencement.


1. Questionnaire on Ph.D. Students’ Participation in Graduation Ceremonies (.xlsx)

2. List of Ph.D. Students’ Clothing Returns and Deposit Refunds (.pdf)


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