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Global Finance and Corporate Governance Laboratory


Global Finance and Corporate Governance Laboratory

Dr. Chuang-Min Chao

Established: 2002.08

Location: Room 926, 9F Hong-Yue Technology Research Building

Website: https://ntutmba926lab.blogspot.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/國立臺北科技大學-全球金融與企業治理研究室-289544626717/


The goal of our lab is to cultivate talents with financial management and financial knowledge. In addition to training students' financial planning and the ability to make capital budget decisions, they make financial strategies to pursue the company's maximum profit and the goal of sustainable management.
The research method of our lab focuses on the empirical analysis of financial data. Through the application of financial econometric model and computer software, our lab wishes to enhance the students' research ability.
The main research focus of our lab includes financial institutions operating efficiency, financial holding companies, corporate governance and behavioral finance.